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Summer 2012 Project Party?

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With the flurry of new products this year, is there a subject that stands out for our summer project party?


I was going to suggest who could do the most realistic rice paddy, they have always defeated me.


Farms in general are a critical part of Japanese life, they have very little arable land and some of it is at risk from Tsunamis.


Come to think of it a Tsunami cleanup scene might be cool too... You could have a line hauling away garbage or radioctive waste and bringing in beer and construction materials for the workers. (Have to have beer by the tanker load, somebody ask me for that story in another place)


I know it is VERY early in the year to talk about this but last year I ran out of time to do something so I thought if I had some direction to think in I could participate this time.



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Waaaay too early and, before choosing a subject, we should know if anyone wants to get involve. ;)


We don't have a regular schedule for those Project Parties, we only do one if the members are willing to do one. Which means it could takes place now or in October.


Plus, I don't think we ever manage to stick to a subject, there was never a consensus. We are too different and our needs are too specific for one. But who knows, maybe this year would be different.

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Paul Ingram of AsiaN rails did a nice article on the rice paddies he did for his modules. He used heavy duty Velcro hook side tape for the newly planted patties and broom bristle for his ready to harvest plants.




I've also seen folks use trimmed and thinned putting green astro turf.


I've been waiting for tomytec to come out with some strips of rice plants at a few different sizes that can be laid out in paddies and then water poured around them. Their first attempt at rice paddies was pretty lame.



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Actually a Winter Project Party might be better suited. In the summer most members take this time to go on vacations whereas in the winter a lot of us are "shut in". This is the time when most hobby stores/online businesses do most of their sales.

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Hobby Dreamer
Actually a Winter Project Party might be better suited


Hi Bernard..


Because many members are in Australia etc, their winter is our summer! Having said that, a good time to model is when it is stinko hot or stinko cold! That is when its best to be indoors!!



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good point, points to maybe having two would be good.


also summer is actually easier for me to play trains as jrm does not do shows then, but a bunch fall to spring...



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