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Looking up trains by number?

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There are lots of pictures and videos that list what I assume is the train's number on the timetable--1742M, for example was one I saw last night. I looked at Hyperdia but didn't find anything--is there anyway to look up trains by this number to figure out where they run?

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bikkuri bahn


There are lots of pictures and videos that list what I assume is the train's number on the timetable--1742M, for example was one I saw last night. I looked at Hyperdia but didn't find anything--is there anyway to look up trains by this number to figure out where they run?


Yes, those are the train numbers, which are listed in the paper timetables as well as in the operating diagrams.  You must have a paper timetable to see which train is designated the number.  It is basically a number used by railway employees and railfans, and not for the knowledge of the general public, so it is not listed in any on-line public timetable sites, AFAIK.

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The Japanese train numbers don't seem to convey as much information as the train describer system of numbers in use here in Queensland and in the UK except that M=EMU, D=DMU and no suffix = loco hauled, there are also other letters used that must mean something to railwaymen. Special trains seem to have 9000 series numbers but otherwise the number itself doesn't seem to have much meaning as to where the train is going apart from odd numbers for down trains and even for up (same as we do here).


That's my take on it anyway.

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