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Another Japanese translation question :)

NGT6 1315

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I was asked by a friend whether I could find out how the following phrases from onboard train announcements would have to be translated (and pronounced) into Japanese:


* "The next station is... (name)"


* "Exit to the left/right"


* "This train terminates here. All passengers, please leave the train."


I may amend this list later on :cheesy .


Thanks in advance, guys!

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If i'm listening to some audio files correctly, these are the announcements in Japanese.  Also, these are just the corresponding announcements to the phrases you gave me, not an exact translation of what you gave; the "actual" english translation is given in brackets.


* "The next station is... (name)"



Tsugi wa, (Name), (Name).

[Next is (Name), (Name)]


Example: (first few seconds, for Kanda Station) http://www.hatsumelo.com/announce/chuorapid/kanda.mp3


"Tsugi wa Kanda, Kanda."


* "Exit to the left/right"



O-deguchi wa (hidari gawa / migi gawa) des(u).

[Your exit is on the left/right side]


Note: hidari = left, migi = right, gawa = side; for "desu" don't pronounce as "de-su", just drop the 'u' and pronounce "dess"


Example: (after repeating Kanda Kanda) http://www.hatsumelo.com/announce/chuorapid/kanda.mp3


"O-deguchi wa, migigawa des(u)."


* "This train terminates here. All passengers, please leave the train."


まもなく、終点 (何々)、(何々)。 

Mamonaku, Shuuten (Name), (Name).

[soon, terminating station (Name), (Name)]


Example: (first few seconds) http://www.hatsumelo.com/announce/chuorapid/tokyo.mp3


"Mamonaku, shuuten Tokyo, Tokyo"



I got the sound files from a website that has collected announcements inside the train and the chimes that go off when the train is about to leave the station.


The Main Website: http://www.hatsumelo.com/

Announcement Recordings:http://www.hatsumelo.com/announce/

Chimes of JR Lines: http://www.hatsumelo.com/line1/

Chimes of Other Lines: http://www.hatsumelo.com/line2/


Enjoy! ^_^



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Thank you both, guys :grin .


Just to add two questions here: What would be the Japanese terms for "airport" and "Central Station"?

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Airport is 空港 (kuu kou, long 'u' and 'o' sounds after the k's)

ex: Narita International Airport: 成田国際空港 (Narita Kokusai Kuukou)


Never really heard of a direct translation of "Central Station", but my best guess, which is the "direct" translation is 中央駅, Chuu-ou [chew-oh] eki.


Glad to be of help :)



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