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Instant tunnel for your Kato 150mm curves

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Picked this up at the weekend for £20:




I'm 99% sure that it was made by Noch, although I suspect it might be old stock as I can't find any reference to it on their website. They have something similar but it's slightly different. The shape is spot on for a 90 degree 150mm radius curve, and the scenery looks suitably generic (reminds me of Ghibli Hills!)


The tunnel mouths are tall enough to handle a KuMoHa12 with pantograph raised, and anyone wanting to use it in a permanent layout could easily bed the edges in and add a bit of weathering to make it look more natural. That's a 64mm straight on the left and a 124mm at the back to give an idea of scale, with a pair of R150 curves within the tunnel linking them.

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